Monday, February 8, 2010

The New Age Gurus - DNA After Hrs. Pune

'The New Age Gurus' cover story in 7th Feb's DNA After Hrs's Pune Edition talks about how debut writers are the new motivational speakers telling people how to live meaningfully through the life they have lived.

An Excerpt - "Even if we dont really try to become wiser consciously, our experiences make it happen — and I am learning everyday! Actually the best part about writing the book was the sharing and the hope that someone somewhere would be encouraged when they are, and if they are in the situations that I have been. I do believe in learning from others mistakes…” Echoes Priya, “I feel I grew more as a person while writing the book - I went through the whole experience of my journey and was completely frank about it. One of the parameters of writing is honesty and that is what works with the readers. They liked the self-honesty.”

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